Monday, September 21, 2009

My Little Scrapper!!!

Today, Elizabeth so desperately wanted to "Play Mommy" as she kept telling me. I asked her what did she mean by this. She then said, "Scrappin'!" Well now! Here I was thinking we were going to be playing dolls and such, but this was a whole new idea. I certainly was game for this.
I first gave her the much coveted Dora paper that she has been wanting for eons. What a good Mommy to have this on hand for her! (he he!)

She also wanted to use some of those deco-edge scissors that we all know that we have stashed away somewhere....

She was a cutting pro!

We then used the infamous glue stick to glue everything down with. She methodically placed her cut-outs just so.

Add in a pic of herself and there you have it! Elizabeth's first LO at age 3! Not bad if I do say so myself. She did everything and would not let Mommy touch anything but the glue. I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

It was great fun to "Play Mommy" this way with her. We'll have to see if she likes this enough to continue. I certainly hope so!!

Hope you are having as great a day as we are!



Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness, she is precious! I LOVE Dora! I need some of that paper! :-D

marcibun said...

okay....that is just TOO cute! What a little sweetie she is.

Rachael said...

Yay Elizabeth!! A budding scrapper on our hands!! So cute!!

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

soooo cute! she looks like such a big girl now!

Diana D said...

Too cute!! Her page looks great!