Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last night was simply terrible...

Lst night around midnight I had to put my sweet sweet Meiko cat to sleep. She shattered her ankle in a freak accident when a middor fell on her while she was sleeping in her hiding spot. She was 15 years old and would not have survived the extensive surgery that she would have needed to have to get her ankle back into shape to possibly walk again. She also has a very low threshold for the medications used to keep her sleepy for surgical reasons. Another reason..

*sigh* *cry* I just can't believe that she is gone. She was my baby kitty that I have had since she was a bitty kitten. She's all gone.


Suzanne said...

She's not all gone, she'll be forever in your heart. Hugs to you!

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

oh, so sorry Amy! Suzanne is right - she's with you forever!

Pam said...

I'm sorry - it's such a hard thing to do when it's for someone we love so much - Suzanne is right - your precious baby is with you always.

Melanie Stanczyk said...

She's such a beautiful kitty. My grandma has one just like her.

I'm sending an armful of hugs right over.

Diana D said...

i am so sorry for you and your sweet little kitty. I know I have grumbled about my cats before, but would be truly sad if they were gone.
Hugs to you!!