Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Who wants a Birthday Present???

Would you like a Birthday Present??

I know I do!
Actually I got a few nice ones yesterday! :)

In honor of aging some more, I thought that it would be nice to offer up a ~Present~~ to one of you lovely Blog Readers!

If you would like my Birthday Present full of scrapbook/art goodness, please leave a comment about your FAVORITE Birthday present ever!!

Want more than one chance at being the giftee??
Become a lovely Blog Follower! :)
Introduce someone else to my blog and have them mention you! :)

Wishing you a very "Merry Un-Birthday" from ME to You!

Oh, yeah......The kiddos will pick a name In roughly a week! :)


Veronica said...

My best birthday present ever was a trip to Hawaii with my family!! Happy Belated Birthday, Amy! =)

Suzanne said...

Happy birthday girlie! You're not getting older, you're getting better! :-) MY best birthday was my 40th. The hubs rented a limo, filled it with friends and chocolate martinis and took us all to dinner. :-)

Cindy Buchanan said...

Happy (Belated) Birthday!!!

This is such a cool question...
My favorite b-day present was actually given this past year. I really couldn't think of what I wanted, so I told my husband and son not to get anything for now, and I'll take some time to think about it.

On the morning of my birthday, they each gave me a card. While I hadn't decided what I wanted yet, I feel I already got the neatest gift from them: both of the cards they gave me were handmade! They said it wasn't easy digging through all of my goodies, but they found a Crd Creations magazine, found 2 samples to follow, and...voila! You'd be amazed!
Thanks for bringing back a fond memory.
See you at Scrapperie!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday, Amy!
This past year my mother got me an hour long massage! It was great! I love all the gifts my family and friends share with me!

Leah's Crafty Life said...

Happy Belated Birthday! My favorite birthday gift was given to me almost two years ago.. it was my Pug, Ooxie. I got her the day before my birthday.. what a sweet lil gift she has been. She was so little, my husband brought her home sitting in his lunch sack... wonder if I still have that photo to scrap?

Hope your birthday was a great one!

Z said...

happy birthday to you--yeah its always fun when you get scrappy goodies for your birthday!

the best gift I got for my birthday was the one my buddy veronica gave me--here is link to see the awesomeness she gave me--its always good to have a scrappy buddy to enable you--hehe!


btw I became a follower--you know you can never have tooo many scrappy friends!

Mandy Harrell said...

Hi... Stopping by to tell you that my all time favorite Birthday present was a gorgeous ring with pink saphires. By the way my good friend Zandra brought me here and she follows you under "Z". Thanks and what a great blog!! Mandy aka Craftysprinkles

Diana D said...

Oh, Happy Birthday my friend!!
My best gift ever??? When hubby tried to plan a surprise party for me. It was so sweet and he tried realllly hard :D

Nathalie said...

Happy Birthday to You! I hope you were spoiled rotten :D My best birthday present was also getaway... to L.A. and to my favorite restaurant there.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday girl! My best birthday, hmm....was in 2007, when I turned 34. My son and his dad went shopping for birthday presents for me, and my son picked all of them out on his own. I was very impressed and flattered. He got me a movie (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), a daisy plant, and 2-12 packs of soda. LOL. It cracked me up. :) He told me what he WANTED to get me, but that he didn't have the money for that. He said "Mommy, I wanted to get you a new cell phone, but I couldn't find one you liked. I know you wanted a new car, but I couldn't get you that and I am really sorry about that. And mommy, I know you really wanted to get a new T.V. but I didn't have the money for that either, so I got you these things instead. Do you like them mommy?" How could I say no to that? :)