I've been collecting vintage treasures for a while now. I think that this love and collecting has come from the Summers I have spent at my Nan and Nanna's. Nan and Nanna had such gorgeous things to look at and to explore!
I created this wall hanging in honor of them.

They loved Wedgewood Blue and Dusty Rose as well as all sorts of pretty things. I blended the two colors into this Smokey Soft Violet flower I made. It was created using four shades of Glimmer Mist. The cut crystal center of the flower is really a beautiful button I found in Nanna's sewing cabinet that I was bequeathed. The heirloom satin ribbon has been left with all the creases that it was stored with. I thought that it added texture and drama.
My butterfly wall hanging sparkles and shines to remind me of the treasured memories that we share. I miss my Nan and Nanna and know just how much they loved me.