Friday, March 5, 2010

Lily Bee Layouts

So I decided to throw my hat in the Lily Bee ring for their Design Team call. Why not, right? You can't win if you don't try...

Here is what I sent in!

A card..

And two Layouts..
On Monday they are making their calls to all who they are accepting to their new Design Team! How exciting and nerve-wracking all in one!!! Eeep!



BabyBokChoy said...

good luck with the DT call!!! Your projects are great!

Julie said...

great work amy! good luck!

twinkles11 said...

good luck and your work rocks!

Angela L. said...

Lots of luck to you!!! Your layouts are great and I love that card!

just jennifer said...

I kept meaning to submit, never got around to it - love your card and layout! good luck!

Nathalie said...

Good luck to you Amy! I love the creativity on your card! Your comment on my blog just cracked me up! Thank you!

Melanie Stanczyk said...

Good luck with the DT call! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!

Leah's Crafty Life said...

Fingers crossed for you A! LOVE the card, it's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love that card! and your layouts are beautiful. Good luck with the DT call!

Diana D said...

I know those LO's!!! LOVE them! Good luck with the DT. I tried too...

lisaplus6 said...

good luck amy! i love your los! :)

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

oh boy Amy! Good luck!