Saturday, May 16, 2009

An affirmation book...

The other day I needed an outlet for some emotional release of some sort. I sat down in my living room with my daughter, Elizabeth, and went to work on this little mini-album. It is like an affirmation book of sorts and felt so good to create. Here it is...

The album reads..

My wish

I wish...

to relax.
I wish ...

for inner peace, for joy,

to smile each and every day

I am able to breathe.

There are no ordinary moments.

Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness...

I wish to be

who I am

for now & for always.

Have a wonderful and creative day!



Diana D said...

oh, great book- love your words here

Erin said...

love that book and the sentiment behind. I hope you get your wish!